It offers superior protection against wear, improved performance, greater fuel economy and minimizes sludge and varnish formation.
EVEREST XHD Synthetic Blend SAE 10W-40 Diesel Engine Oil outperforms conventional motor oil and meets or exceeds CJ-4 / SN service classifications as well as all prior specifications including CI-4 Plus, CI-4, CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, CF-2, CF and SM, SL, and SJ. Everest XHD Synthetic Blend 10W-40 Diesel Engine Oil has been field tested to be comparable to most American, Asian and European manufacturers’ standards including Mack EO-O Premium Plus, EO-M Plus, Cummins CES 20081, Volvo VDS-4, Caterpillar ECF-1A, 2 and 3, Renault VI RLD-3, MB 228.3 and MTU Type II standards and many other OEM’s specifications where an CJ-4/SN motor oil is recommended.
Field Tested: Mack EO-M Plus, Cummins CES 20081, Volvo VDS/VDS-2, Caterpillar ECF-1
QUART | ||
5-QUART | ||
5 GAL | FP10400EV05GCJ | 818265020011 |
55 GAL | FP10400EV055CJ | 818265020028 |
1-Liter | ||
4-Liter | ||
5-Liter | FP10400EV05LCJ | 816752013690 |